Zinc Plating with olive drab chromate

Olive Drab Chromate Plating

Gatto Industrial Platers is among the few companies that still offer Zinc Plating with Olive Drab Green Chromate in both rack and barrel processing.  With Olive Drab tanks up to 11-1/2’ long we can process any part from a small fastener or stamping to a large rack or fabrication, including quick turnaround on all size orders.

Gatto has offered this finish for over 40 years and has vast experience in how to achieve uniform finish and a high level of customer satisfaction.

Olive Drab refers to the color of the chromate that is applied to parts during the post plating process. Due to its olive color this finish is commonly used in military applications, however its high level of corrosion protection makes it an excellent choice for any part. 

Zinc Olive Drab is a durable finish that contains unique “self- healing” properties which help to provide corrosion protection to areas damaged by scratching or abrasion. For more information regarding our olive drab zinc plating or military plating contact us today!

Olive Drab Specifications

ASTM B 633 (Type II and Type VI) A common industry standard for applying zinc to iron or steel for corrosion protection
QQ-Z-325 A government specification approved for use by the military and all other federal agencies
MIL-STD-171 A military standard approved for use by Department of Defense Agencies

Quick Facts

  • Provides a uniform olive-green finish
  • Has “self-healing” properties which help protect areas damaged by abrasion or scratching
  • Offers excellent corrosion protection
  • Commonly used in military and automotive applications
  • Gatto can process parts that fit within the following dimensions: 138” Long x 30” Wide x 60” Deep